Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Zeolite nature was the compound alumino-silicate terhidrasi with the main element that consist of kation the alkali and the land alkali. This compound berstruktur three dimensions and had pores that could be filled by the water molecule.

The geology of sediment zeolite was formed because of the process of the volcanic dust sedimentation in the lake environment that was shaped like an alkali, the process diagenetik (metamorphism low-level) and the hydrothermal process.

The mineral zeolite that was most general was encountered was (Na,K)2O, Al2O3. 10 SiO2. 8H2O. Perbandingan between the atom The and Al that varied will produce many kinds or the species zeolite that was met in the wild. There were more than 50 kinds zeolite, but the framer's mineral zeolite biggest had 9 kinds, that is analsim, khabazit, klinoptilolit, erionit, mordenit, ferrierit, heulandit, laumontit and fillipsit. In Indonesia the kind zeolit the most was klinoptilolit and mordenit.

The use zeolit generally was based on the characteristics of chemistry and physics zeolit, like the absorber, change kation and the catalyst, that is used in the agricultural field, the plantation, livestock breeding, fisheries, the industry, energy

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Monday, February 9, 2009


Bentonite was the term from clay monmorilonit that was known in the world of the trade and including the group dioktohedral. The geology of bentonit happened from results of the weathering, hydrothermal, resulting from the transformation and the sedimentation.

There were 2 types from bentonite that is:

1. The Wyoming type (Na-betonite) Bentonite this had the capacity to expand through to eight times if being dipped in water and continue to dispertion some time in water. The use from bentonite this type was as mud in drilling, the production pellet the iron ore, the plug and the pond of dam baldness, the adhesive, the filler. In the dry situation was white or cream, in the wet and affected situation the sun rays will be coloured, had the pH 8.5 of – 9,8

2. Mg, Ca-bentonite (Sub- bentonite-Meta Bentonite)
Bentonite this not all that expanded if being dipped into water, had the pH 4-7. In the dry situation was grey, blue, yellow, red and brown. The use for the process of purification of cooking oil, the fuel oil cleaner, cooking oil, the pharmacy, paper, the ceramics, the production of Na-bentonite synthetic.

Bentonite had the capacity that was high to clear up the colour like in the processing of oil that came from the animal or plants. Read More

Calcite Mineral

Sediment calsite was results retructurisation the limestone that crystallised after experiencing the process of the dissolving. Generally happened to the limestone or marble in the period crystalin that be stratified and took the form of the stalagtite and stalagmit.

Calsite that composition chemistry CaCO3 could be found in the pure situation and not, depended on the content of his polluter's mineral. The polluter's mineral was formed because of the existence subtitution the Ca element by the element of metal like Mg, Fe, Mn. In the certain percentage of the polluter's mineral calsite will form the other lime mineral like dolomite, ankerit and kutnakorit.

Calsite had the form prismatik, tabular, rhombohedral, massive, sorting rough until very soft. The specific gravity Calsit pure was 2.71. Calsite pure was not coloured and transparent, the colour will change in accordance with subtitusi that happened like yellow, pink, blue, lavender, greenness, grey, black. Had the level of the violence 3 in the Mohs scale, the crack rhombohedral.

Sediment calsite most were found in the form of lenses or were the association of other mineral sediment, and rarely was found sediment calsit pure in the big measurement.

Calsite was utilised for the need of agriculture, the chemical industry, the food industry, the metallurgy industry, the construction industry.

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