Friday, September 5, 2008

Genesa of marble in Trenggalek

1. The existence of the limestone that is happening because of the existence of the limestone that came from the Campurdarat Formation and the Member of the Wonosari Formation that be aged Miosen.

2. Because of the existence of the influence of the pressure (metamorphism because of the influence of the pressure) that is happening because of the limestone unit was in the underside from the Campurdarat Formation afterwards was dealt with by the other rock unit that is by from the Jalen Formation, Formasi Wuni, Formasi Nampol and the Wonosari Formation

3. Because of the influence of the temperature (metamorphism because of the influence of the temperature) that is happening because of the limestone intrusion by the igneous rock and because of the structure of geology (fault/fracture) intensively

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Kaolin merupakan masa batuan yang tersusun dari material lempung dengan kandungan besi yang rendah, dan umumnya berwarna putih atau agak keputihan. Kaolin mempunyai komposisi hidrous alumunium silikat (2H2O.Al2O3.2SiO2), dengan disertai beberapa mineral penyerta.

Proses pembentukan kaolin (kaolinisasi) dapat terjadi melalui proses pelapukan dan proses hidrotermal alterasi pada batuan beku felspartik, mineral-mineral potas aluminium silka dan feldspar diubah menjadi kaolin. Endapan kaolin ada dua macam, yaitu: endapan residual dan sedimentasi.

Mineral yang termasuk dalam kelompok kaolin adalah kaolinit, nakrit, dikrit, dan halloysit (Al2(OH)4SiO5.2H2O), yang mempunyai kandungan air lebih besar dan umumnya membentuk endapan tersendiri.

Sifat-sifat mineral kaolin antara lain, yaitu: kekerasan 2 – 2,5, berat jenis 2,6 – 2,63, plastis, mempunyai daya hantar panas dan listrik yang rendah, serta pH bervariasi.

Potensi dan cadangan kaolin yang besar di Indonesia terdapat di Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Selatan, dan Pulau Bangka dan Belitung, serta potensi lainnya tersebar di Pulau Sumatera, Pulau Jawa, dan Sulawesi Utara. Read More

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


The limestone was the sediment rock, happened because organically, in a manner mechanics and in a manner chemistry. Some limestones in the wild happened organically, that is coming from the sedimentation foram/coral house and the snail, foraminifera or the gap or came from the framework of the coral animal/the shellfish.

The limestone could be hard and solid, scrutinised also could be the reverse, Apart From that was firm was encountered also that poreus.

The limestone was utilised by the sector of the industry, the construction and agriculture in part for the building materials, the building stone, the material of the highway stabiliser, plastering for agriculture, the ceramic material, the glasses industry, the cement industry, the production of carbide, the smelter and the steel, the whitening material, the industry and rubber of pulp paper, the production of calcium hydroxide, the water cleaner, the sedimentation of the metal ore non-ferous, the sugar industry. The potential for the limestone in Indonesia was very big, spread equitable all over Indonesia, with the pattern of the mining generally was carried out in a manner the open-cut mine. Read More

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The industrial mineral

With increasingly the inhabitants's increase, increased also the requirement for humankind would materials especially mining products, good in the matter of the number and his kind. Humankind was increasingly creating how to meet would his requirement, this was also caused because of the progress of technology from results of this human creation, so as often sprang up various industries that needed the raw material from the mining product.

The increase in the spread of the industry directly increased also the requirement for various mining product sorts that is that more was known with the term of the industrial mineral. To fill various requirement sorts humankind made an effort to look for new reserves this mining product.

Use of the industrial mineral in fact more again inexact because with the development of technology of the manufacture industry that demanded products of the industrial mineral with the certain specification that needed the process of the processing that was long and complex as well as the limitation of the industrial mineral that increasingly were difficult to be determined like manganese, bauxite, zirkon that was the metal mineral but could be classified as the industrial mineral where his product took the form of the mineral that was processed and used directly as the raw material in the manufacture industry.

That including in the group of the industrial mineral here was the mine mineral for the fertiliser industry (potassium, pospat, nitrogen, the sulphur), the chemical industry (salt NaCl, soda ash Na2CO3, Na2SO4, borax of Na2B4O7 10H2O), the building materials industry (clay, limestone, gypsum), and other industries (bentonite, felsdpar,granite,andesite,marble,bentonit, quartz sand).

In Indonesia several consumers of the industrial mineral were the chemical industry, fertiliser, cement, pulp and paper, the ceramics and porcelain, glasses, vegetable oil, as well as the industry and things of basic metal from metal.
As Indonesian geology including the area that often was encountered the industrial mineral and in large quantities, this because of the existence of the process of the activity magma, the formation of mountains as well as the process of the sedimentation that took place in the period of a long time.

In forthcoming years the prospect would the requirement for the industrial mineral will be increasingly big, this was based upper increasingly the increase in the growth of economics, the process of recycling to the metal mineral was increasingly small, the price of the quite stable commodity of the industrial mineral than the commodity of the metal mineral that often experienced the fluctuation in the price. Moreover these resources of the industrial mineral were in Indonesia encountered really the abundance and spread Read More

Location of marble in Trenggalek

In the area of Trenggalek, East Java often was encountered marble with various colour features. The result of exploration, location of marble in Trenggalek as :

1. Prambon Kecamatan Tugu, the white colour greyish, the reserve 1.2 million ton
2. Srabah Kecamatan Tugu, the red colour, white, the reserve 2.1 million ton
3. Karangaanyar Kecamatan Gandusari, the red colour, white, the reserve 17.8 million ton
4. Kecamatan Gandusari, the colour of cream, the reserve 89.3 million ton
5. Nglebeng Kecamatan Panggul, the white colour, black totol grey, the reserve 6.6 million ton
6. Kertosono Kecamatan Panggul, the white colour, the reserve 1 million ton
7. Besuki Kecamatan Panggul, the white colour, the reserve 11.6 million ton
8. Jogadi Kecamatan Dongko, the black colour greyish, the reserve 192.3 million ton
9. Pandean Kecamatan Dongko, the grey colour, the reserve 70 million ton Read More

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Marble is a metamorphic rock resulting from regional or rarely contact metamorphism of sedimentary carbonate rocks, either limestone or dolostone, or metamorphism of older marble. This metamorphic process causes a complete recrystallization of the original rock into an interlocking mosaic of calcite, aragonite (a crystalline form of calcium carbonate, CaCO3)and/or dolomite crystals(CaMg(CO3)2).. The temperatures and pressures necessary to form marble usually destroy any fossils and sedimentary textures present in the original rock.
Pure limestone is white, but marble can be any color based on the impurities that may have existed in the original limestone rock. Marble is an excellent building stone due to its uniform texture, softness (calcite is a 3.5 on Mohs hardness scale), and inherent beauty.
The softness of marble and its relative isotropy and homogeneity make marble very desirable for sculpture as a building material, and in many other applications. The word "marble" is colloquially used to refer to many other stones that are capable of taking a high polish.
In commercial terminology, a marble is any crystalline calcareous rock that will take a polish. Even serpentine (a hydrous magnesium silicate metamorphic rock) is sometimes considered a marble because it is often cut by veins of calcite or dolomite and will take a high polish.
Pure white marble is the result of metamorphism of very pure limestones. The characteristic swirls and veins of many colored marble varieties are usually due to various mineral impurities such as clay, silt, sand, iron oxides, or chert which were originally present as grains or layers in the limestone. Green coloration is often due to serpentine resulting from originally high magnesium limestone or dolostone with silica impurities. These various impurities have been mobilized and recrystallized by the intense pressure and heat of the metamorphism.
In the construction, specifically the dimension stone trade, the term "marble" is used for any crystalline calcitic rock (and some non-calcitic rocks) useful as building stone. Read More


Andesite is common in most of the world's volcanic areas. Andesites occur mainly as surface deposits and, to a lesser extent, as dikes and small plugs.
Andesite is an igneous, volcanic rock, of intermediate composition, with most commonly is fine-grained, usually aphanitic to porphyritic texture. The mineral assembly is typically dominated by plagioclase plus pyoxene and/or hornblende. biotite, quartz, magnetite, sphene are common accessory minerals. Alkali feldspar may be present in minor amounts. The quartz-feldspar abundances in andesite and other volcanic rocks are illustrated in QAPF diagrams. Relative alkali and silica contents are illustrated in TAS diagrams.
Classification may be refined according to the most abundant phenocryst. If hornblende is the principal accessory mineral name is hornblende-phyric andesite
Andesite porphyritic. In composition, andesites correspond roughly to the intrusive igneous rock diorite and consist essentially of andesine (a plagioclase feldspar) and one or more ferromagnesian minerals, usually amphibole or biotite. The larger crystals of feldspar and ferromagnesian minerals are often visible to the naked eye; they lie in a finer groundmass, usually crystalline, but sometimes glassy. There are three subdivisions of this rock family: the quartz-bearing andesites, or dacites, sometimes considered to be a separate family; the hornblende- and biotite-andesites; and the pyroxene-andesites.
Andesites are typically medium gray and porphyritic, with phenocrysts of white to light gray plagioclase and/or black augite, hornblende, and/or biotite. Some andesites are reddish and some are vesicular. If you find quartz, you are probably looking at a rhyolite.
- can be considered as the extrusive equivalent to plutonic diorite.
- are characteristic of subduction tectonic environments in active oceanic margins.
- forms at convergent plate margins and is thought to be the product of partial melts of the water-rich subducting oceanic crustal basalts or of the intervening wedge of lower crustal rocks above the subducting plate
- is formed at accretionary plate margins Read More

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Marmer termasuk dalam kelompok bahan galian industri, sering disebut juga batu pualam.
Marmer adalah batuan yang berasal dari batugamping atau dolomit yang telah mengalami proses tekanan, temperatur dan dalam waktu yang lama. Batuan ini mempunyai ciri kompak, padat, tanpa perlapisan dan menunjukkan adanya proses rekristalisasi.
Sedangkan mineral tambahan adalah kuarsa, talk, klorit, amphibol, pirit, piroksen, hematit, grafit. Mineral-mineral tersebut akan memberikan pola warna yang sangat beragam, sebagai contoh marmer kalsit murni berwarna putih, adanya mineral grafit memberikan warna merah muda.
Berdasarkan komponen mineral utama dan mulajadinya marmer dibagi dalam dua jenis yaitu :
- marmer onyx yaitu kalsit kristalian yang terbentuk dari larutan air dingin dan umumnya dijumpai di gua-gua batugamping
- marmer verde-antik yaitu serpentin masif yang dipotong oleh urat-urat kuarsa
Penggunaan marmer untuk keperluan eksterior lebih disukai yang mempunyai pola-pola warna yang lembut atau berwarna terang. Marmer di alam ada beberapa macam warna ada yang putih, abu-abu, hitam, merah, crem.
Belakangan marmer dipergunakan tidak hanya dalam bentuk lempengan yang digosok/poles menjadi mengkilat tetapi dibentuk sedemikian rupa menjadi suatu kerajinan tangan, misalnya menjadi meja, kaki meja, tempat rokok, tempat cuci tangan, dll. Industri kerajinan tangan banyak dijumpai di daerah Besole Tulungagung.
Pasar marmer cenderung lebih dipengaruhi oleh selera perancang bangunan (arsitek) dan perseorangan, selain itu ditentukan oleh tampilan warnanya.
Indonesia memiliki cadangan marmer cukup besar tetapi baru sebagian kecil yang telah diusahakan.
Di daerah Trenggalek Jawa Timur banyak dijumpai marmer dengan berbagai corak warna. Lokasi di Trenggalek adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Prambon Kecamatan Tugu, warna putih keabu-abuan, cadangan 1,2 juta ton
2. Srabah Kecamatan Tugu, warna merah, putih, cadangan 2,1 juta ton
3. Karangaanyar Kecamatan Gandusari, warna merah, putih, cadangan 17,8 juta ton
4. Jajar Kecamatan Gandusari, warna krem, cadangan 89,3 juta ton
5. Nglebeng Kecamatan Panggul, warna putih, hitam totol abu-abu, cadangan 6,6 juta ton
6. Kertosono Kecamatan Panggul, warna putih, cadangan 1 juta ton
7. Besuki Kecamatan Panggul, warna putih, cadangan 11,6 juta ton
8. Jogadi Kecamatan Dongko, warna hitam keabu-abuan, cadangan 192,3 juta ton
9. Pandean Kecamatan Dongko, warna abu-abu, cadangan 70 juta ton
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Batu kapur

Batu kapur

Batu kapur atau batugamping merupakan batuan sedimen, terjadi karena secara organik, secara mekanik dan secara kimia. Sebagian batu kapur dialam terjadi secara organik, yaitu berasal dari pengendapan cangkang/rumah karang dan siput, foraminifera atau ganggang atau berasal dari kerangka binatang koral/kerang.

Batu kapur dapat bersifat keras dan padat, tatapi bisa pula sebaliknya, Selain yang pejal dijumpai pula yang poreus.

Batu kapur dipergunakan oleh sektor industri, kontruksi dan pertanian antara lain untuk bahan bangunan, batu bangunan, bahan penstabil jalan raya, pengapuran untuk pertanian, bahan keramik, industri kaca, industri semen, pembuatan karbid, peleburan dan permurnian baja, bahan pemutih, industri kertas pulp dan karet, pembuatan soda abu, pembersih air, pengendapan bijih logam non-ferous, industri gula.
Potensi batu kapur di Indonesia sangat besar, tersebar merata diseluruh Indonesia, dengan pola penambangan umumnya dilakukan secara tambang terbuka. Read More

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bahan Galian Industri

Bahan Galian Industri

Dengan semakin bertambahnya penduduk semakin bertambah pula kebutuhan manusia akan bahan-bahan terutama bahan-bahan tambang, baik dalam hal jumlah dan jenisnya. Manusia semakin berkreasi bagaimana cara untuk memenuhi akan kebutuhannya, hal ini juga disebabkan karena kemajuan teknologi dari hasil kreasi manusia tersebut, sehingga banyak bermunculan berbagai industri yang memerlukan bahan baku dari bahan tambang.

Meningkatnya perkembang industri secara langsung meningkatkan pula kebutuhan berbagai macam bahan tambang yaitu yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan bahan galian industri. Untuk memenuhi berbagai macam kebutuhan tersebut manusia berupaya untuk mencari cadangan-cadangan baru bahan tambang tersebut.

Pemakain bahan galian industri sebenarnya kurang tepat lagi karena dengan perkembangan teknologi industri manufaktur yang menuntut produk-produk bahan galian industri dengan spesifikasi tertentu yang memerlukan proses pengolahan yang panjang dan komplek serta batasan bahan galian industri yang semakin sukar ditetapkan seperti mangan, bauksit, zirkon yang merupakan bahan galian logam namun dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai bahan galian industri dimana produknya berupa mineral yang telah diolah dan digunakan langsung sebagai bahan baku dalam industri manufaktur.

Yang termasuk dalam golongan bahan galian industri disini adalah bahan galian tambang untuk industri pupuk (potasium, pospat, nitrogen, belerang), industri kimia (garam NaCl, abu soda Na2CO3, Na2SO4, boraks Na2B4O7 10H2O), industri bahan bangunan (tanah liat, batugamping,gipsum), dan industri-industri yang lain (bentonit, felspar, granit, andesit, marmer, zeolit, pasir kuarsa).

Di Indonesia beberapa konsumen bahan galian industri adalah industri kimia, pupuk, semen, pulp dan kertas, keramik dan porselin, gelas, minyak nabati, serta industri logam dasar dan barang-barang dari logam.

Secara geologi indonesia termasuk daerah yang banyak dijumpai bahan galian industri dan dalam jumlah besar, hal ini karena adanya proses aktifitas magma, pembentukan pegunungan serta proses sedimentasi yang berlangsung dalam periode waktu yang lama.

Dalam tahun-tahun mendatang prospek akan kebutuhan bahan galian industri akan semakin besar, hal ini didasarkan atas semakin meningkatnya pertumbuhan ekonomi, proses daur ulang pada mineral logam semakin kecil, harga komoditi bahan galian industri cukup stabil daripada komoditi mineral logam yang sering mengalami fluktuasi harga. Selain itu sumber daya bahan galian industri ini di Indonesia dijumpai sangat melimpahnya dan tersebar dimana-mana

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