Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Classification of minerals

According to the Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation Number 27 Year 1980, classification of minerals is divided into 3 groups :

a. Group strategic minerals are:

- Crude oil, liquid bitumen, wax earth, natural gas;

- Solid bitumen, asphalt;

- Anthracite, coal, coal young;

- Uranium, radium, thorium, and materials other radioaktip mining;

- Nickel, cobalt;

- Tin.

b. Group of vital minerals are:

- Iron, manganese, molibden, chrome, tungsten, vanadium, titan;

- Bauxite, copper, lead, zinc;

- Gold, platinum, silver, mercury, diamonds;

- Arsin, antimony, bismuth;

- Yttrium, rhutenium, metal-cerium and other rare metals;

- Berillium, corundum, zircon, quartz crystal;

- Kriolit, fluorpar, barit;

- Iodine, bromine, chlorine, sulfur;

c. Group of minerals that do not include a or b groups are:

- Nitrate-nitrate, phosphate, phosphate, rock salt (halite);

- Asbestos, talk, mica, graphite, magnesit;

- Yarosit, leusit, alum (alum), ocher;

- Precious stones, semi precious stones;

- Quartz sand, kaolin, feldspar, gypsum, bentonite;

- Pumice, mattress, obsidian, pearlite, diatome soil, soil absorption (fullers earth);

- Marble, slate;

- Limestone, dolomite, calcite;

- Granite, andesite, basalt, trakhit, clay, and sand does not contain all the elements of a mineral group or class b in the amount that means in terms of the mining economy.

According to the Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation Number 27 Year 1980, classification of minerals is divided into 3 groups :

a. Group strategic minerals are:

- Crude oil, liquid bitumen, wax earth, natural gas;

- Solid bitumen, asphalt;

- Anthracite, coal, coal young;

- Uranium, radium, thorium, and materials other radioaktip mining;

- Nickel, cobalt;

- Tin.

b. Group of vital minerals are:

- Iron, manganese, molibden, chrome, tungsten, vanadium, titan;

- Bauxite, copper, lead, zinc;

- Gold, platinum, silver, mercury, diamonds;

- Arsin, antimony, bismuth;

- Yttrium, rhutenium, metal-cerium and other rare metals;

- Berillium, corundum, zircon, quartz crystal;

- Kriolit, fluorpar, barit;

- Iodine, bromine, chlorine, sulfur;

c. Group of minerals that do not include a or b groups are:

- Nitrate-nitrate, phosphate, phosphate, rock salt (halite);

- Asbestos, talk, mica, graphite, magnesit;

- Yarosit, leusit, alum (alum), ocher;

- Precious stones, semi precious stones;

- Quartz sand, kaolin, feldspar, gypsum, bentonite;

- Pumice, mattress, obsidian, pearlite, diatome soil, soil absorption (fullers earth);

- Marble, slate;

- Limestone, dolomite, calcite;

- Granite, andesite, basalt, trakhit, clay, and sand does not contain all the elements of a mineral group or class b in the amount that means in terms of the mining economy.

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