Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Classification of minerals

According to the Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation Number 27 Year 1980, classification of minerals is divided into 3 groups :

a. Group strategic minerals are:

- Crude oil, liquid bitumen, wax earth, natural gas;

- Solid bitumen, asphalt;

- Anthracite, coal, coal young;

- Uranium, radium, thorium, and materials other radioaktip mining;

- Nickel, cobalt;

- Tin.

b. Group of vital minerals are:

- Iron, manganese, molibden, chrome, tungsten, vanadium, titan;

- Bauxite, copper, lead, zinc;

- Gold, platinum, silver, mercury, diamonds;

- Arsin, antimony, bismuth;

- Yttrium, rhutenium, metal-cerium and other rare metals;

- Berillium, corundum, zircon, quartz crystal;

- Kriolit, fluorpar, barit;

- Iodine, bromine, chlorine, sulfur;

c. Group of minerals that do not include a or b groups are:

- Nitrate-nitrate, phosphate, phosphate, rock salt (halite);

- Asbestos, talk, mica, graphite, magnesit;

- Yarosit, leusit, alum (alum), ocher;

- Precious stones, semi precious stones;

- Quartz sand, kaolin, feldspar, gypsum, bentonite;

- Pumice, mattress, obsidian, pearlite, diatome soil, soil absorption (fullers earth);

- Marble, slate;

- Limestone, dolomite, calcite;

- Granite, andesite, basalt, trakhit, clay, and sand does not contain all the elements of a mineral group or class b in the amount that means in terms of the mining economy. Read More

Type of mineral / mineral follow-up

In the implementation of mining activities, data on other minerals and mineral follow-up encountered should be recorded to prevent / avoid potential extractive neglected existence.
The presence of other minerals and minerals in the framework of follow-up mining activities may be disrupted during production operations, therefore there is potential that needs to be managed or treated to its economic value is not diminished or lost.
Possible use or handling of other minerals and mineral require completeness follow-up data on these minerals from exploration stage, so the data on other minerals and minerals presented in a follow-up to a complete and systematic as the basis of production operations planning and implementation of extractive conservation.

Type of mineral / mineral follow-up assessment categories based on class technology resources and mineral reserves and mineral follow-up can be classified into 3 (three) types namely:
1. Type 1: Material other minerals / mineral exploitation potential follow-up, the group of other minerals / mineral follow-up that has a high potential to be made.
2. Type 2: Materials other minerals / mineral development potential follow-up, the group of other minerals / mineral potential follow-up was / middle and have the possibility to be developed as a commodity mining business.
3. Type 3: other extractive materials / mineral resource potential follow-up, the group of other minerals / mineral follow-up with low potency can not be developed as a commodity mining business. Read More